Via API, can we change the assigned dropshipper on item by item basis?
We have 3 dropshippers that carry a lot of the same items.
In Ordoro, we’ll most likely default each item to the lowest cost Dropshipper. However, on multi-item orders, we need to take into account the overall basket profitability (i.e. shipping cost) versus who is cheapest item by item.
For example, say an order has 3 items on it. The default drop ship suppliers in Ordoro is as follows:
Item 1 defaults to Dropshipper A
Item 2 defaults to Dropshipper B
Item 3 defaults to Dropshipper C
However, due to shipping cost for this entire basket, it might be most profitable to send the entire order to Dropshipper A versus splitting it up.
I don’t think Ordoro has “basket” logic to route like this, which is fine, because we do have this program written in house.
My question…does the API have the capability where we can pull orders out of Ordoro, run our analysis, and then tell Ordoro via API which dropshipper to send each item to?