Amazon Label Questions

  • Upon calling POST /order/order_number/label/amazon, the order was automatically marked shipped on Amazon. We are only using Ordoro to get labels, so we need this functionality disabled. Can you advise how to do this?
  • Can you explain the pdf_type options in GET /label?
  • We will need to change the company name in the label’s from address for each of our clients that uses Ordoro. In POST /order/order_number/label/amazon, can we specify only ship_from:company and not a full address to override the “My Company Warehouse” that is set by default?
  • Calling DELETE /order/order_number/label returned a full set of order information. I do see that the label is pending refund on Amazon, but Is there any specific way for me to tell that the DELETE request was successful in your API and on Amazon?

Thank you


Thank you for the questions. For marking the order as shipped, when you are using Amazon SFP, the information is automatically recorded by Amazon, this is not a feature that can be turned off.

You are speaking of this endpoint?


Specify the type of PDF label. Can be one of [additional_docs, canada_pdf, multi_page, single_page]

Possible values:

  • additional_docs ,
  • canada_pdf ,
  • multi_page ,
  • single_page .

No, you’ll need to send the entire ship_from address that you’d like to send.

The order timeline contents should provide every piece of information that we have regarding a delete and subsequent void. If the order has no label attached and you receive a 200 response, it was successful in our API. In Amazon, we send a request to their API and they respond that it is pending. We do not do any further checking on this.

Hope this all helps.

Thanks much for the responses.

For marking the order as shipped, when you are using Amazon SFP, the information is automatically recorded by Amazon, this is not a feature that can be turned off.

Got it

You are speaking of this endpoint?


Specify the type of PDF label. Can be one of [additional_docs, canada_pdf, multi_page, single_page]

Possible values:

additional_docs ,
canada_pdf ,
multi_page ,
single_page .

Yes. The information you provided is available in your documentaion. I’m asking what the values mean. For example, what does “additional_docs” mean? When/why would I use it?

No, you’ll need to send the entire ship_from address that you’d like to send.


The order timeline contents should provide every piece of information that we have

I assume you’re referring to the timeline that is available in the GUI? Is there something comparable in the API?

If the order has no label attached and you receive a 200 response, it was successful in our API.


additional_docs - additional documents for a carrier, could be customs information or extra label information.
canada_pdf - CanadaPost specific pdf information, they have many sizes of documents for labels, so all of these labels flow through here.
multi_page - 4 page USPS labels will typically come here
single_page - Single labels

This is the comments array on an order.

When a label is deleted on the Amazon website, when does the order get updated in Ordoro?

The order timeline contents should provide every piece of information that we have regarding a delete and subsequent void. If the order has no label attached and you receive a 200 response, it was successful in our API. In Amazon, we send a request to their API and they respond that it is pending. We do not do any further checking on this.

Based on your comment above, I’m wondering if the answer is no. I deleted a label for order 1-114-6884434-1715459 in Seller Central around 15 minutes ago, and your website and API still shows that the label exists.

If you delete a label in Seller Central, Ordoro does not know about this.

If you delete a label in Ordoro, we send a request for a void using Amazon MWS, we then update the timeline that we made this request to Amazon.

Are ANY updates made in Seller Central mirrored to Ordoro? If so, why isn’t this update mirrored?

In short, Ordoro tends to be the master account, and reflect changes to the sales channel after import.

These do not appear to be API specific questions, however Ordoro app questions as a whole. Perhaps you could reach out to our support team to understand how Ordoro works better for your solution.