The order was split into 3 child orders, 3 lines each (all is correct)
Each supplier got an email with his lines (all is correct)
Additional shipments were added and configured for each order by my app internal logic
e.g. I have 3 orders with 3 shipments each. Total 9 shipments.
Suppliers start filling tracking info
a customer receives an email “A note has been added to your order” after tracking info was added for a shipment, the email contains all lines of parent order and a tracking number
an email “Your order is complete” is sent to a customer when a tracking info was added for at least one shipment of any child order.
a customer should receive updates on his orders from the cart; Preferably only with the lines from a shipment which tracking info was added (not the parent or child order)
the “Your order is complete” email should be sent by cart only when all shipments (9 in this example) were filled with tracking info;
v3 is for orders only, shipments are referenced internally.
If you are creating additional shipments in v3, you can expect the app to behave poorly. It is highly advised to split orders if you need deeper granularity.