Can someone please give an example of an api search parameter string? Operators etc?

I can not find any examples of how to use the search perameter. I see it is to be a string but what logical operators are supported etc? an example of how to select shipments made between certain dates would be awesome!

The search string does not take operators, it searches on a given set of strings. You can search on the following fields:

  • shipment_id
  • assigned_to: company, name
  • shipment lines product: sku, name, comment
  • dropship_info: name, company
  • shipping_address: company, name

Ned Flanders owns The Leftorium, with a sales channel index of 1 in Ordoro. There is an order for Matt Groening. There are three items on the order, but the order is split into two shipments. A stripped down shape of the order looks like this:

	"order_id": "1-123",
	"shipping_address": {
		"name": "Matt Groening"
	"shipments": [{
		"shipment_id": "1-123-1",
		"lines": [{
			"product": {
				"sku": 42-cs",
				"name": "Left Handed Corkscrew"
			"product": {
				"sku": "13-sr",
				"name": "Left Handed String"
		"shipment_id": "1-123-2",
		"lines": [{
			"product": {
				"sku": "99-sc",
				"name": "Left Handed Scissors"

You want to search for the shipment with the scissors for Matt Groening, here’s a search string you could use. cart index on the shipment_id -1, last name only is simple enough Groening, substring scissors.


The response would be:

	"shipment_id": "1-123-2",
	"lines": [{
		"product": {
			"sku": "99-sc",
			"name": "Left Handed Scissors"