Custom Sales Channels

In our project, there are multiple paths that will end up with ordering with Ordoro and we’d like to track it using custom sales channels but it doesn’t look like supported option. Can we make this work? If not, what is the alternative for this use case?

Hey, thanks for the question!

We do not support custom sales channels at this time. You could possibly use tags and filter by those tags per sales channel to get orders for only that tag/sales channel combo.

We would like to allow this in the API, but it is not supported at this time.

Hope that helps.

So we had received a different response from your engineering team last week but kept receiving an error after trying to implement. See suggestion below and our experience when trying to implement:

They can create a “vendor portal” type cart to use for their custom channels.

This will be a little weird because they will need to specify an “ordoro_cart_id” which would typically be the company id for the merchant in a vendor portal connection.
However, for this use case, they can just send 1 as that value so that it is not connected to any other accounts.

Cart creation request:

POST to url
Basic auth
Company ID in the header
Body: just edit the name field.
“type”: “vendor_portal”,
“name”: “Whatever you would like the cart named”,
“cart_type”: “99”,
“autosync_enabled”: false,
“ordoro_cart_id”: 1

In the response for cart creation, there will be an “id” returned. This will need to be sent with the order post to associate the order with the correct cart in the format below:

“cart”: cart_id_returned,

Then our engineer responded this:

I tried to follow this but their api returned this error:
HTTP 500
{"error_message": "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rule'", "param": null}
Above is response from POST to url per their instructions (edited)
Used this request payload:
“type”: “vendor_portal”,
“name”: “GIF Cart”,
“cart_type”: “99”,
“autosync_enabled”: false,
“ordoro_cart_id”: 1

Can you provide the x-<>-request-id header from the response in your request so we can look into the logs?

Ok. These are the headers from the response.

X-API-REQUEST-ID →ca2f59e1-e1ea-496b-b83d-b2cdc683ff85
X-Ordoro-API-Server →i-0ff9c7919bcda0eca 1.877.0
X-ORDORO-HANDLED-BY →ip-172-31-11-157
X-SENTRY-ID →d04baf428e9a4c3a94297855ebc95c67

Hey @simonkoener66! I’ve been trying to track this down for you, but unfortunately was not able to find the url that you hit with the request.

Would you mind sending the request/response over so we can take a deeper look. This error typically means you are hitting an endpoint that doesn’t exist. Sometimes it is due to trailing slash mixmatches /.
Sometimes this could be the wrong base url or just a bad spelling. I’ve seen your url above, but a request/response would help me to see the exact usage.


Ok, here it goes:


Authorization: Basic *****

Request body:
“type”: “vendor_portal”,
“name”: “GIF Cart”,
“cart_type”: “99”,
“autosync_enabled”: false,
“ordoro_cart_id”: 1

Response headers:
X-API-REQUEST-ID →ca2f59e1-e1ea-496b-b83d-b2cdc683ff85
X-Ordoro-API-Server →i-0ff9c7919bcda0eca 1.877.0
X-ORDORO-HANDLED-BY →ip-172-31-11-157
X-SENTRY-ID →d04baf428e9a4c3a94297855ebc95c67

Response body:
“error_message”: “‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘rule’”,
“param”: null

You want to POST to

Oh, can’t believe I made such mistake. I’ll let you know when I have more questions. Thanks for your help, Sophie!

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Hi @sophie can I ask you two more questions?

  • How can I delete custom sales channels? I can’t delete custom sales channels.

  • How can I change order ids in the dashboard? They appear in this format 1-order-12345 instead of GIF-order-12345 meaning sales channel index is used instead of name. Is there any way to change this?


You’ll need to contact the support team if you want to delete any sales channel.

We don’t allow for changing of the UI elements. The UI is built to display order ids using the index and internal cart_order_id, and the API is built to create order ids using the index of the sales channel and the cart_order_id.

Hi Sophie! @simonkoener66 and our team have made these changes. However, since we had so many unused cart ids that we deleted after testing, the one we actually want to use is set to 6. We tried to update it to card id= 2 but we can’t do it via the API. Can your team update it so that GIF = cart id 2 and all subsequent cat ids are number 3, 4, 5, 6 etc?

We don’t want to start at cart id 6.

Thanks for your help!

Please direct any requests for changes to your account and data to They’ll be able to get answers to questions like that.