Update quantity and internal notes in one request

Wondering if it’s possible to update the quantities and internal notes both at the same time?

I tried the following, which returned a 400 response:

data_to_update = {“on_hand”: units, “internal_notes”: “This is a test”}
url = f"https://api.ordoro.com/product/{ordoro_product_sku}/warehouse/{warehouse_id}/"
response = requests.put(url, auth=(ordoro_username, ordoro_password), data=data_to_update)

I did the following, and removed on_hand and only kept internal_notes which updates the notes. I am also able to update the on_hand, but when that’s the only thing that is being updated:

data_to_update = {“internal_notes”: “This is a test”}
url = f"https://api.ordoro.com/product/{ordoro_product_sku}/"
response = requests.put(url, auth=(ordoro_username, ordoro_password), data=data_to_update)

I can update them in two separate requests, but wanted to see if there’s something I havent explored.

Thanks for your help,

Just wanted to follow up on this.

Thank you,

You’ll need to use two separate requests based on the required warehouse information needed to update inventory values.

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