I’ve had a process that’s worked for well over a year regarding generating a label now says:
{“message”: “This route has been deprecated. Please see the docs for the newer version: http://docs.devapiverson.apiary.io/#reference/v2 ”}
What’s the replacement for:
https://api.ordoro.com/shipment/ [shipment ID]/label/generate/
and shipping USPS/Endicia?
October 17, 2017, 10:53pm
Hi @dwedwick ,
We created a post for this, and sent out a few emails regarding the change. Perhaps we missed your email address.
Update information can be found here: API label/rate endpoint deprecation on 2017-09-30 .
You can see in the docs link given in the response, the params for those endpoints below http://docs.devapiverson.apiary.io/#reference/v2
Please now use the following endpoints for USPS via Endicia.
/shipment/:shipment_id/label/endicia [POST]
/shipment/:shipment_id/rate/endicia [GET]
Let us know if you have any other questions.
Are the parameters to the endpoints the same, and just the endpoint address changed?
I’m now seeing messages like:
{“error_message”: “Additional properties are not allowed (‘email_ship_to’, ‘shipper_type’ were unexpected)”, “param”: null}
Is there documentation about what properties are allowed?
October 17, 2017, 11:16pm
The parameters and response have changed, please take a look at the referenced documentation.
Here is Endicia label specifically from the link http://docs.devapiverson.apiary.io/#reference/v2/shipmentshipmentidlabelendicia/post
Thanks. I see now what’s changed and what needs to be changed.