Shipping Method Codes needed


We are integrating Ordoro to SAP ByD.
We are trying to push shipped orders from Ordoro to ByD.
But we are unable to move Shipping Method .
How can we get the codes for the same ?


Hi Snigdha,

I’m not sure what you mean by:

move Shipping Method

Please clarify

Hi Sophie,

What Snigdha is trying to ask for is the codes relating to the shipping methods, such as next day delivery or 5-7 days ground delivery. We are trying to pull this information into our ERP system (SAP Business ByDesign), but we are not quite sure what the technical codes behind these shipping methods in Ordoro are. Would you be able to let us know how to get these details or provide us with a list?


It’s a little buried in the docs, but each /order/:id/label endpoint will have its respective shipping_method. I hope this helps.

We also hope to release a change soon to give you the display name.

Hi @Snigdha

I have read your query, to solve it I have suggested some steps here to retrieve the shipping method codes for integration between Ordoro and SAP ByD,

  1. Log in to your Ordoro account and navigate to the settings or configuration section.
  2. Look for the ‘Shipping Methods’ or a similar option in Ordoro. This is where you can find the available shipping methods and their corresponding codes.
  3. Each shipping method should have a unique identifier or code associated with it. Take note of these codes for the shipping methods you wish to integrate with SAP ByD.

Once you have obtained the shipping method codes from Ordoro, you can proceed with integrating them into SAP ByD. I hope this will help you. All the best.