Integration with ByDesign, with Tracking and Serial numbers

We use ByDesign for order processing and Ordoro for shipping. This requires:

  1. passing the order details from ByDesign to create an order in Ordoro,
  2. and once the Ordoro order is shipped, to update the tracking details and shipping status to ByDesign.

This question is about the second part. Within Ordoro API, there is no automatic outbound publishing upon release of an order. This gives us two options:

  1. Perform the release of Odroro order externally by using the post–>mark_as_shipped or the put–>shipping_info API
  2. Run a scheduled query to get the orders shipped in the last hour

Do you have a recommendation for this scenario?


Ordoro will publish tracking information to sales channels that are available with a direct integration. If you are looking to do this yourself, you will have to query the API for the tracking information by order.

I’m not sure I understand the scenario 1. But 2 is definitely a viable option.

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for confirming option 2. It is definitely viable for us as well, but we are wondering if we can get a more real-time solution, so would like to vet the other option as well.

To explain option 1: Since there is no way to get a notification when the ordoro order is shipped by manual action in Ordoro, we were thinking of this option of calling the action via web service instead. The assumption is that a success notification from this web service call would indicate that the order has been shipped. The manual action would then be in an external application, say, a button click, and this would trigger the web service call to Ordoro to mark the order as shipped. With this approach it would give a real time notification of the shipment status. Would you please confirm if this would be a suitable approach?


Are you intending to create labels for the orders pulled into Ordoro?

If so, you’d want to use the label endpoints instead of just the mark as shipped endpoints.

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for pointing that out, yes of course we intend to create and use the labels from Ordoro.
