Every label created appears as shipping weight 16 Oz.
For example I’m using the following code for a 25 Oz shipping:
$header=[“Authorization”=> “Basic " . base64_encode(”$username:$password")];
“city”=>“São Paulo”,
“name”=> “John Doe”,
“zip”=> “01520000”,
“street1”=> “Rua Pires da Mota, 1”,
“street2”=> “”,
“phone”=> “+551155555555”,
“state”=> “SP”,
“country”=> “Brazil”
“name”=> “Paulo Junior”,
“street1”=>“1 My Street”,
“weight”=> 25,
“height”=> 10,
“width”=> 6,
“length”=> 5,
“nondelivery_option”=> “Return”,
“ship_to”=> $to,
“contents_explanation”=> “”,
“email_bill_to”=> false,
“contents_type”=> “Gift”,
“hold_for_pickup”=> 0,
“stealth”=> true,
“ship_date”=> ‘2017-08-09T11:00:00+00:00’,
“ship_from”=> $from,
“email_ship_to”=> false,
“box_shape”=> “Parcel”,
“delivery_confirmation”=> “DeliveryConfirmation”,
“reference_number”=> “M-TEST_ORDORO”,
“description”=> “T-SHIRT”,
“weight”=> 1,
“country”=> “US”,
“value”=> 27,
“quantity”=> 1
“value”=> 27
];$label= Requests::post($urlcreateshipment, $header, json_encode($endicia));
And I get this response for a 16 Oz shipping
public ‘shipping_method’ => string ‘FirstClassPackageInternationalService’ (length=37)
public ‘package_tracking’ => string ‘LZxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUS’ (length=13)
public ‘cost’ => float 19.67
public ‘_link’ => string ‘/label/M-TEST_ORDORO-1/’ (length=23)
public ‘id’ => int 1111111
public ‘company_id’ => int 11111111
public ‘print_date’ => null
public ‘insurance’ => null
public ‘params’ =>
public ‘shipping_method’ => string ‘FirstClassPackageInternationalService’ (length=37)
public ‘weight’ => float 16
public ‘box_shape’ => string ‘Parcel’ (length=6)
public ‘height’ => int 10
public ‘ship_date’ => string ‘2017-08-09T11:00:00+00:00’ (length=25)
public ‘nondelivery_option’ => string ‘Return’ (length=6)
public ‘delivery_confirmation’ => string ‘DeliveryConfirmation’ (length=20)
public ‘ship_to’ =>
public ‘city’ => string ‘São Paulo’ (length=9)
public ‘fax’ => null
public ‘name’ => string ‘John Doe’ (length=8)
public ‘zip’ => string ‘01520000’ (length=8)
public ‘reference_number’ => null
public ‘country’ => string ‘BR’ (length=2)
public ‘company’ => null
public ‘cart_address_id’ => null
public ‘id’ => float 1111111111
public ‘phone’ => string ‘+551155555555’ (length=13)
public ‘state’ => string ‘SP’ (length=2)
public ‘street1’ => string ‘Rua Pires da Mota 1’ (length=19)
public ‘street2’ => string ‘’ (length=0)
public ‘validation’ =>
public ‘email’ => null
public ‘contents_explanation’ => string ‘’ (length=0)
public ‘shipper_id’ => int 1111111
public ‘insurance_type’ => string ‘no_insurance’ (length=12)
public ‘reference_number’ => string ‘M-TEST_ORDORO’ (length=13)
public ‘email_bill_to’ => boolean false
public ‘contents_type’ => string ‘Gift’ (length=4)
public ‘hold_for_pickup’ => boolean false
public ‘shipper_type’ => string ‘endicia’ (length=7)
public ‘length’ => int 5
public ‘value’ => int 27
public ‘width’ => int 6
public ‘stealth’ => boolean true
public ‘customs_forms’ =>
array (size=1)
0 =>
public ‘ship_from’ =>
public ‘city’ => string ‘Bear’ (length=4)
public ‘fax’ => null
public ‘name’ => string ‘Paulo Junior’ (length=12)
public ‘zip’ => string ‘19701’ (length=5)
public ‘reference_number’ => null
public ‘country’ => string ‘US’ (length=2)
public ‘company’ => null
public ‘cart_address_id’ => null
public ‘id’ => float 111111111
public ‘phone’ => string ‘3025555555’ (length=10)
public ‘state’ => string ‘DE’ (length=2)
public ‘street1’ => string ‘1 My Street’ (length=13)
public ‘street2’ => string ‘’ (length=0)
public ‘validation’ =>
public ‘email’ => string ‘my@email.com’ (length=21)
public ‘email_ship_to’ => boolean false
public ‘updated’ => string ‘2017-08-08T21:49:36.099483+00:00’ (length=32)
public ‘vendor’ => string ‘endicia’ (length=7)
public ‘void’ => boolean false
public ‘shipper_id’ => int 111111
public ‘_linkraw’ => string ‘/label/1111111/raw/’ (length=20)
public ‘tracking_url’ => string ‘https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=LZxxxxxxxxxxUS’ (length=71)
public ‘tracking’ => string ‘LZxxxxxxxxxxxxUS’ (length=13)
public ‘created’ => string ‘2017-08-08T21:49:35.310330+00:00’ (length=32)
public ‘package_type’ => string ‘Parcel’ (length=6)
public ‘_linkrawdocs’ => null
public ‘shipment_id’ => string ‘M-TEST_ORDORO-1’ (length=15)
public ‘display_shipping_method’ => string ‘First Class Package International’ (length=33)